How to POTG as Bastion in Overwatch

Hi there! I will teach you how to POTG as Bastion in the game Overwatch. Bastion is the best character to play as, because then you can counter all the Torbjorns in the game. As we all know, Torbjorn is the worst class to play as. Freaking Torbjorn steals all the POTGs by just hitting his stupid turret. So sit back, relax, and let's see how this marvelous machine gets all his POTGs.

This is Bastion. He is a Bastion unit from the Omnic Crisis. He was left behind and became part of nature. After being randomly reactivated, Bastion lost his original protocol and had a desire to explore the world. Now Bastion works as a part of Overwatch.

Ok, so let's ignore Bastion's counters and weak counterparts and let's talk about how to get the POTG.

  1. Get to a good spot where no one can get you.
  2. Configure into Sentry mode.
  3. Wait until enemies get to point.
  4. Mouse+M1 Everyone.
  5. Once full Ultimate, turn tank mode.
  6. Shoot down a bunch of people.
  7. Win game.
  8. Get POTG.
  9. Let haters hate.

So that's how you get POTG. I hope you enjoyed this guide. Thanks for reading!

Go to 20 seconds on the second video.